The World of Commander McBragg: The Orient Express (1966, США)

The World of Commander McBragg: The Orient Express (1966, США)
The World of Commander McBragg: The Orient Express (S1E48)

Commander McBragg, a retired British naval officer, self-proclaimed adventurer and world traveler, spins pathetically far-fetched Baron Munchausen-style ramblings from his trophy-laden library («There I was, surrounded by cannibals when…») McBragg uses extraordinary means to extract himself from inescapable situations, so extraordinary, in fact, that even his animated listeners find him hard to believe. When his veracity is questioned, McBragg is unfazed. He simply clears his throat and mutters, «Quite.»

Вагон-ресторан «Восточного экспресса» в одной из полутораминутных серий мультсериала о приключениях бравого военно-морского офицера.

Вне конкурса.

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