The Great Jewel Robber (1950, США)

The Great Jewel Robber (1950, США)
Режиссер Peter Godfrey.
В ролях: David Brian, Marjorie Reynolds, John Archer, Jacqueline deWit, Claudia Barrett, Alix Talton, Perdita Chandler, Stanley Church.

Escaping from a Canadian prison farm, master thief Gerard Dennis makes his way to Buffalo with Peggy Arthur, who supplies him with money needed for forged papers. Dennis, Peggy and a crooked bartender in a Buffalo hotel pull a robbery in which Dennis is almost caught, but he escapes to find his accomplices have deserted him. Later, confronting them, he is badly beaten and is taken to a hospital where he meets nurse Martha Rollins, who falls in love with him. They go to New Rochelle where he is wounded attempting another robbery. Martha performs the necessary surgery, believing that he will give up his life of crime. When she finds him in New York with another girl, Martha gives the police his picture and hideout location, but he escapes the police trap. He flees to Los Angeles where he meets wealthy divorcee Mrs. Arthur Vinson, whose confidence he wins in order to systematically rob her society friends’ jewels.

Вагон-ресторан американского поезда в криминально-нуарном фильме.

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