Európa expressz (1999, Венгрия)

Európa expressz (1999, Венгрия)
Режиссер Цаба Хорват.
В ролях: Андраш Штоль, Ката Добо, Иван Камараш, Тибор Силадьи, Зольтан Ратоти, Ласло Ясаи мл., Андраш Гашпар, Геза Касаш, Эдён Рубольд, Андраш Шлангер.

Zavarov, a psychotic Russian thief who likes to steal religious icons, is on the run from a group of undercover cops who don’t know Zavarov has planted an informant amongst them. Zavarov makes his getaway on a train, only to discover the police were able to board before leaving the station. He hijacks the train and demands passage to Austria. The police cleverly run the train in a loop and mask a Hungarian train station as if it were in Nickelsdorf, Austria. This fools Zavarov into thinking he is in Austria, and when he exits the train, the police surround him.

Вагон-ресторан экспресса Будапешт—Вена в напряженном венгерском триллере о захвате поезда русскими террористами.

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